Tool Library
Save a shedload with our tool library service.
Fed up of buying tools that you only need to use once or twice?
Then our Tool Library will be right up your street!
This fantastic service uses tools that have been donated and refurbished by our Tool Shed volunteers - available to be ‘borrowed’ just like you would do with a library book.
Our tool range includes:

All types of gardening tools, including lawnmower, scarifier and shredder

Building and fencing tools, including pinch bars, sledge hammers, pick axes and levels

Decorating equipment

Car mechanic tools – wrenches, spanners and jacks

All types of DIY tools including drills, circular saws, jigsaws and routers, Sanders, Ladders, saw horses, and benches
We have a host of tools to suit most projects, contact Lee to discuss your project requirements and will we match the correct tools to your project.
Tool Library
20£Every yearSave a shedload with our tool library service
Plan automatically renews at £20 per year until cancelled.